I just learned from my 82 yr.old father where WE started off as a line. His grandfather was Richard Powell born in Tredegar Wales, April 17,1855
He married Elizabeth Ashton in Cardiff Dec. 2, 1879.
They had 2 children then left for the US ending up with a family evenly divided in boys & girls numbering 8! Whew! Now I know why my grandfather said any nitwit can have children but any more than 2 is a disgrace. With 3 brothers, all OLDER, and 4 sisters, I cannot imagine. Anyhow, out of the 4 boys only my grand father had a boy, my dad. He produced me & 4 sisters, then it was my turn and I had one of each. My son has 2 also one of each.
So my great-grandfather, father and now grandson are all Richard Powell!
Any help locating this, until Thurs, mystery man will be greatly appreciated. I intend to visit my roots.Some in Ireland then hit the ferry for the other half now known to come from Tredegar and not simply Wales.
I live on the Big Island of Hawaii along the South Kohala coast. I had done research & while doing it found out that the most remote, as in furthest place from a Continental land mass was Hawaii. I came here soon after. If one must live on an island this is a good one!
I live in a "village" of about 6,000 and we have but 1 bar/Pub! It is owned by a guy from Cardiff. He has Guiness and Harp on tap for me.( It has been noted that the locals love Black & tans..what a way to dishonor Stout!) I gave him my new bright full sized Welsh flag I had & was not flying regularly for a blank wall 3 years ago calling out for some COLOR! So if you ever come here, to Waikoloa, ask for our only bar ( I do NOT count the one at our Golf Clubhouse because golfers go there!)& if you noice the yr drog goch..well, you know who put it there!